10 July 2011

Extra valley points did the trick on Stage 9!

Here are the results for Stage 9:

  • Stage 9:  5h 27' 09" (actual), 5h 19' 43" (prediction), -7' 26" fast (-2.27% error)
The four extra valley data points did the job on Stage 9!  I'm happy with a 2.27% error.

For Stage 10, Ben Hannas sent me seven extra data points.  If you examine the stage profile online, you will see a few missing peaks and valleys.  With the added data, here is my prediction for Stage 10:
  • Stage 10:  3h 41' 08" (prediction)
Without those seven extra points, my prediction would have been 3h 35' 57".  By adding in more detail, specifically more peaks and valleys, the predicted time goes up a little.


  1. links to stage profiles and/or data points ?

  2. Amit: Go to www.letour.fr and you'll see links to each stage. On each stage's page you'll see a tab for "Profile" on the lower left.
